Archive for the ‘Online Business’ Category

2 out of 3 ain’t bad. Or is it?

July 9, 2007

Here’s a story to illustrate my point.

A man asks a price quote from a carpenter for the renovation he wants done on his house. The carpenter replies that that there are 3 things that the man would want – he would want the project to be 1) inexpensive, 2) done fairly quick and 3) of course good quality.

Unfortunately, he can only get 2 out of the 3. If he wants it done quick and with top quality, it’s going to cost him a small fortune. And if he opts for quick and inexpensive – it isn’t going to be done with the quality he expects. So naturally if he wants it inexpensive and with great quality … you get the idea.

The way I see it, the things that consumers look for in every product or service are the Key Success Factors (KSF) that any business should possess (or at least strive to). And more than just what our beloved customers want – these are the imperative characteristics that our businesses should have in order to achieve success.


Doing something YOU know nothing about – an unsolicited advice.

June 27, 2007

My intention with my previous post was to share with you the wonders of taking the leap of faith and just doing it (your business idea). But as my train of thought would have it, I ended up talking about how to monetize this blog. My bad.

So, on to what this is really about. By the way this post is for those who are still thinking about taking that stress-route called entrepreneurship (for the entrepreneurs reading this post – please feel free to share your comments).

 With my own online biz, I have spent too much time thinking about it, planning it, and even dreaming of reaping the fruits without having started yet. It came to a point where I would jump from one idea to the next at a very fast pace.  And the saddest part of it was it all existed in my head – dozens of ideas and dream businesses that wound up in my “things-I-did-to-laugh-about-and-regret” memories. I was a serial dreampreneur. (more…)